Rexona is an Australian deodorant and antiperspirant brand, the manufacturer owned by the British company Unilever. While marketed under the Rexona name in most countries, it is known as Sure in the United Kingdom , Ireland and India , Degree in the United States and Canada , Rexena in Japan and South Korea and Shield in South Africa .
Deo Roll-on Aloe Vera, 50 ml Rexona Deodorant. 35 kr · Clinique Antiperspirant Deodorant Roll-On, 75 ml Clinique Roll-on. 195 kr 146 kr. -25% · MyClarins
Agregar producto + Desodorante en Aerosol. Cuidado Corporal. rexona. _ProductData $ 107,12 (x ) Desodorante Crema Odorono Pote Rexona 60gr.
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Rexona is an Australian deodorant and antiperspirant brand, the manufacturer owned by the British company Unilever. While marketed under the Rexona name in most countries, it is known as Sure in the United Kingdom, Ireland and India, Degree in the United States and Canada, Rexena in Japan and South Korea and Shield in South Africa.
Effektiv i upp till 48 timmar. Rexona Shower Fresh Köp Rexona hos Åhlens, vi finns över hela Sverige och har ett brett sortiment av Rexona Rexona. Maximum Protection Clean Scent Deodorant, 45 ml. 99:-.
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REXONA Desodorante Rexona Ap Men Antibac Inv CUIDADO E HIGIENE PERSONAL DESODORANTES CABALLERO AEROSOL. Rexona Maximum Protection Clean Scent är en kräm-deodorant för kvinnor. Ger ett effektivt skydd mot fukt och lukt i upp till 48 timmar.
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