kallades en person som sysslar med platespotting för platespotter, i plural platespotters, alltså rent engelska ord. Och spottare är den term som gäller även idag. Min mamma tillhör dem som har plåtspaning som hobby.
Definition of hobby written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels.
The first one has been done for you. Look up the German to French translation of Hobby Plural in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. hobby translation in English-Hindi dictionary. hi परन्तु यदि अभिनय करना आपका शौक है जिसके लिए आप को कोई वेतन प्राप्त नहीं होता, तो आप दर्शकगण की दिलचस्पी को बनाए रखने की चुनौती का hobby. The plural form of hobby is hobbies . Find more words!
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¿Podrías hablarnos de tu profesión y Word Forms. SINGULAR. el hobby. hobby.
Types/sorts/kinds of + singular or plural noun: types of book vs. types of books This means that we will keep GramTime News alive as a hobby project as long
interest an activity or a subject that you do or study for pleasure in your spare time: Her main interests are music and gardening. hobby an activity that you do for pleasure in your spare time: His hobbies include swimming and cooking.
Translate Hobby. See 3 authoritative translations of Hobby in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations.
ein. Femininum. die. eine. Neutrum. das.
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Sense: Noun: pastime. Synonyms: pastime, interest , pursuit , leisure activity, diversion , sideline, hobbyhorse, labor of love, labour of love (UK), activity. ' hobby … hobby (pl. hobbies) An activity that one enjoys doing in one's spare time. I like to collect stamps from different countries as a hobby.
The Plural Form of Words The word "plural" means "more than one in number." So, the plural form of the word "cat" is "cats," and the plural form of "mouse" is "mice." (Plural is the opposite of singular.) The term "plural" does not just apply to nouns (e.g., cats, mice), it also applies to pronouns, determiners, and verbs. For example:
hobby meaning, definition, what is (plural hobbies) [countable] people often talk about what they do in their free time rather than use the word hobbies:
Lobby definition is - a corridor or hall connected with a larger room or series of rooms and used as a passageway or waiting room: such as.
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av N CES · Citerat av 2 — I conceive of mathematics as a plural noun, considering formal. Western terview guide to add questions about the students' hobbies and.
the favourite pursuit, it is quite evident how the word hobby got its present meaning Hobby-horse is She became chairman of the board of the Post in 1965; hobbies · plural ¿Cómo se traduce HOBBY en español? ¿Cómo nombreplural hobbies. 1.
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The plural of hobby is hobbies. Hobbies are things you do for fun in your spare time. Can you make the word drop plural? The plural for the word 'drop' is 'drops'.
Se nedan för 1332, 1331, 7866, 69.00, A1, SweWaC, kläder, noun, (plural). 1333, 1332, 7844, 68.81 6252, 6251, 5.86, C1, T2, en, hobby, noun-en. 6253, 6252, 5.85 He repeated my every word. Innan en plural substantiv, det vill säga hur ofta det händer: I buy a cake You criticize me every single time I take up new hobby. This Swedish Word List covers typical terms found in the records.